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Posky merge - CG not within tolerance, aircraft unflyabe Jeden příspěvek | Celý strom
Posky merge - CG not within tolerance, aircraft unflyabe   27. 8. 2014 / 19:20
Sileny to je, to mas pravdu. Nicmene je to dolni limit, ktery je pro konfiguraci potreba dodrzet. Jeste jsem pak hledal v OM 744 a realny ero ma dokonce dolni limit 8.5%. Zkousel jsem to v Topcat, ale at se snazim jak chci tak blbe ero nenalozi. Na MTOW je CG 21-24%. Zalezi na podilu nakladu vs. palivo.
Souhlasim s tebou, ze ten programek asi neni nic moc. Chybka bude nejspis ve spatnym exportu do FSky. Tak jestli by to nechtelo zkusit neco funkcnejsiho.
Posky merge - CG not within tolerance, aircraft unflyabe - Knight72 Zobrazit celý strom21. 08. 14 v 13:42
Posky merge - CG not within tolerance, aircraft unflyabe - Toomitsch Zobrazit celý strom21. 08. 14 v 15:08
Posky merge - CG not within tolerance, aircraft unflyabe - Knight72 Zobrazit celý strom21. 08. 14 v 15:22
Posky merge - CG not within tolerance, aircraft unflyabe - Toomitsch Zobrazit celý strom22. 08. 14 v 07:21
Posky merge - CG not within tolerance, aircraft unflyabe - Knight72 Zobrazit celý strom22. 08. 14 v 12:30
Posky merge - CG not within tolerance, aircraft unflyabe - Toomitsch Zobrazit celý strom22. 08. 14 v 13:08
Posky merge - CG not within tolerance, aircraft unflyabe - Knight72 Zobrazit celý strom22. 08. 14 v 13:10
Posky merge - CG not within tolerance, aircraft unflyabe NEPOVEDLO SE - Knight72 Zobrazit celý strom25. 08. 14 v 14:35
Posky merge - CG not within tolerance, aircraft unflyabe - Rampák Zobrazit celý strom27. 08. 14 v 02:21
Posky merge - CG not within tolerance, aircraft unflyabe - Toomitsch Zobrazit celý strom27. 08. 14 v 08:13
Posky merge - CG not within tolerance, aircraft unflyabe - Knight72 Zobrazit celý strom27. 08. 14 v 11:33
Posky merge - CG not within tolerance, aircraft unflyabe - jjelen Zobrazit celý strom27. 08. 14 v 12:08
Posky merge - CG not within tolerance, aircraft unflyabe - Knight72 Zobrazit celý strom27. 08. 14 v 12:22
Posky merge - CG not within tolerance, aircraft unflyabe - jjelen Zobrazit celý strom27. 08. 14 v 15:49
Posky merge - CG not within tolerance, aircraft unflyabe - jjelen Zobrazit celý strom27. 08. 14 v 16:20
Posky merge - CG not within tolerance, aircraft unflyabe - Fabo™ Zobrazit celý strom27. 08. 14 v 18:44
Posky merge - CG not within tolerance, aircraft unflyabe - Instructor Zobrazit celý strom27. 08. 14 v 19:13
Posky merge - CG not within tolerance, aircraft unflyabe - jjelen Zobrazit celý strom27. 08. 14 v 19:20
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