Nativní suport musí přinést Logitech, je to formou binárek které využívají SimConnect, ten v MSFS je, ale nevím zda si s ním poradí ty panely. Stejně to fungovalo jen na FSX defaultních letadlech, pokud šlo o addon letadla kde si přístroje programovali vývojáři to většinou moc nefungovalo. už ale MSFS cca dva týdny podporuje
SPAD.neXt and MSFS 2020 Support - 0.9.8 Preview
With MSFS 2020 being released on August 18th it's about time to say something about the SPAD.neXt compatibility.
Basically MSFS 2020 is (already) supported by any version of SPAD.neXt (0.9.5,0.9.6,0.9.7) if you have a FSX/P3D License for SPAD.neXt.
Basically means, you can use the SimConnect variables that existed already in FSX. This does not mean everything will be working like before. Adjustments to your profiles will most likely need to be done.
Also, as expected, MSFS makes changes to SimConnect (aprox. 500 new variables and 400 new Events) and changed some of the behaviors.
On the day MSFS 2020 releases to public, SPAD.neXt 0.9.8 will be released , giving you full access to everything that is available for MSFS.
This will include some ready to fly basic profiles for the stock aircraft that come with MSFS.
To update to SPAD.neXt 0.9.8 an active update-suscription will be required. ( See )
Nothing can be said about the support for 3rd party aircraft at this point in time, as too little is known yet.
SPAD.neXt 0.9.8 will also contain the following new major features:
- Aerofly FS2 Support
- Elgato Streamdeck Support ( Complete License only )
A MSFS 2020 Questions and Answers Thread will be started in the forum in the next days.
However thsi will only be SPAD.neXt releated, since MSFS is still under NDA.
If you are a MSSF Alpha/Beta Tester you can still join the SPAD.neXt MSFS-Beta Program. See here ( how to jump aboard.